To put it simply, earbuds are a more portable, more pleasurable and certainly more affordable alternative to headphones. A studio level ear bud will cost a fraction of the price of what a studio level headphone will cost. Just as there are many different types of headphones, there are many types of ear-buds. There are flat earbuds that sit on the tip of your ear, there are in-ear-canal earbuds and there are noise isolating earbuds. As each year passes there seems to be more and more earbuds available on the market. Each year a new company springs up, yet many other companies crush and burn.

What makes earbuds amazing? Imagine being in a rock concert, or amid an intense rap showdown or even among the BASSIEST trance music you could hear. Now imagine this all in the comfort of your home. That is the power of earbuds.  Of course, there are certain earbud health risks that one must be aware of, yet with the proper knowledge, there should be no issues.

There are different levels of earbuds: low tier, mid tier, low upper tier and upper tier. The thing that separates the different earbud levels is not only price, but the drivers each earbud has. Generally speaking, the higher the level the more drivers an earbud has.

Earbuds are more practical then headphones. You can wear earbuds when working out, jogging a mile or even if you don’t want other people to notice them. When wearing headphones, there is the possibility of sound being lost between your ear and the headphone itself. By using earbuds you are minimizing this distance; as a result you will have a better range of sound.

Whether you are casually looking for a pair of earbuds or an aspiring musician, I strong heartedly recommend earbuds over any other alternative. Try a pair out for yourself, you won’t be disappointed

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